Holbein (Classic Reprint)

Price 27.29 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781440062438


Producer Forgotten Books

Pages 564

Year of production 2010

The boys Prosy and Hanns Holbain ,drawn by their father, Hans Holbein theE lder; at the top the date 1511, near to Hans a note of his age (14I; a similar note by the side of the elder brother is no longer legible. Silver-point drawing in the Royal Print Cabinet, Berlin. HANS HOLBEIN. IT is usual to nameD iirer and Holbein together in speaking of German Renaissance art of the at its zenith. But it would be wrong to attempt an immediate comparison of the two great masters with one another. The difference in age between them, more than a quarter of a century, is enough in itself to preclude this. It is a difference which counts for very much at a time so full of vigorous, stirring life as was the century of transition from theM iddle A ges to modern times. Then, too, the greatness of the two masters lies in essentially different spheres. Diirer simagination had a creative force to which no other German painter has ever attained. In the gift of invention, in intelligence, in feeling and also in culture, Diirer stands far above Holbein. But the latter, unlikeD iirer, was a true painter. Colour, to him, is not a mere cloak to the shapes which he calls into being; it is something essential, of the inmost being of his art; it is a means of expressing his artistic perception. Diarer issued from a school which was still half under the sway of the Gothic style, and it was by his genius that he discovered the paths which the new art was to follow. Holbein, on the other hand, was in no way connected with the art of the Knackfuss, Hans Holbein.(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don"t occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books" Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically impor