Poverty And the WTO: Impacts of the Doha Development Agenda (World Bank Trade and Development Series)

"Poverty and the WTO breaks new ground in addressing a key question: how does trade liberalization affect the poor? It is the first book to link the WTO negotiations in Geneva with the attempts of impoverished households in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to emerge from poverty. New analytical approaches and nearly a dozen detailed country studies provide accessible account of the connection between trade and poverty and of the choices that policy makers face. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the poverty impacts of Doha, be they researcher or policy maker." - Anthony J. Venables, Chief Economist, U.K. Department of International Development Yu Kuo-Hwa Professor of International Economics London School of Economics and Political Science "In this volume, many of the world"s top scholars of international trade and development address an issue that should be at the forefront of the current trade negotiations. It couldn"t be more welcome." - Alan V. Deardorff, John W. Sweetland Professor of International Economics Professor of Economics and Public Policy, University of Michigan Poverty reduction is deemed to be a centerpiece of the Doha Development Agenda currently being negotiated under the auspices of the WTO. Yet there is considerable debate about the poverty impacts of such an agreement. Some are convinced it will increase poverty, while others are equally convinced that it will lead to poverty reduction. This book brings the best scientific methods to bear on this question, taking into account the specific characteristics embodied in the Doha Development Agenda.