Producer - World Bank Publications
Public-Private Partnerships in the New Eu Member States: Managing Fiscal Risks
EAN 9780821371541 23.46 USD -
Performance Accountability and Combating Corruption (Public Sector Governance and Accountability)
EAN 9780821369418 19.65 USD -
Winners and Losers of EU Integration: Policy Issues for Central and Eastern Europe
EAN 9780821344279 9.30 USD -
Local Governance in Industrial Countries (Public Sector Governance and Accountability)
EAN 9780821363287 21.24 USD -
Local Public Financial Management (Public Sector Governance and Accountability)
EAN 9780821369371 25.06 USD -
Intergovernmental Reforms in the Russian Federation: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? (Directions in Development)
EAN 9780821379677 15.81 USD -
From Disintegration to Reintegration: Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union in International Trade (Eastern Europe and Central Asia Reports)
EAN 9780821361979 13.95 USD -
The Global Family Planning Revolution: Three Decades of Population Policies and Programs (Moving Out of Poverty)
EAN 9780821369517 40.52 USD -
Legal Aspects of HIV and AIDS: A Guide for Policy and Law Reform (Law, Justice, and Development Series) (Law, Justice, and Development Series Law, Justice, and Devel)
EAN 9780821371053 26.41 USD -
The Africa Multi-Country AIDS Program 2000-2006: Results of the World Bank"s Response to a Development Crisis
EAN 9780821370520 20.14 USD -
Female Genital Cutting, Women"s Health, and Development: The Role of the World Bank (World Bank Working Papers)
EAN 9780821371831 18.22 USD -
Management and Resolution of Banking Crises: Lessons from the Republic of Korea and Mexico (World Bank Discussion Papers)
EAN 9780821347232 11.21 USD -
Economic Growth in the 1990s: Learning from a Decade of Reform (Lessons from Experience) (Lessons from Experience)
EAN 9780821360439 19.75 USD -
Enhancing China"s Competitiveness Through Lifelong Learning (WBI Development Studies)
EAN 9780821369432 15.86 USD