How to be a Time Master: Control your time...control your life

Are you a Time Lord or a Time Thief? What Do You Spend Time Doing? What Would You Like To Spend Your Time Doing? Becoming a Time Lord is not just about gaining time in order to get more done; it is also about being able to slow down to do the things that you want to do in the way that you want to do them. Essentially it is about self-mastery. If you can master time – you can be a Time Lord! Time traps work in two ways: they trap you into losing time; or they result in personal overload. Topics covered: Dividing your time Avoiding information overload Managing emails and telephone Brilliant meetings Making communication work Banish procrastination How not to get sidetracked Striking a balance How to say no Create a time control system Never lose things again Small talk costs time Travel downtime Are you a time thief? Making time for relationships Killing time The routine trap Know your body clock