Patagonia Express (Reprint) (Paperback)

Price 9.30 - 19.40 USD

book24.ru19.40 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788483835784, 9788483835784

Pages 184

Year of production 2011

Binding 125x190

Los muchos miles de lectores de Luis Sepulveda ya conocen su gran pasion: viajar, deambular por el mundo, observar a sus gentes y escuchar sus historias. Pero Sepulveda tiene tambien otra pasion, podria decirse que en simbiosis con la anterior, que es la de contar el mismo, a su modo, esas historias oidas y otras que, gracias a su desbordante capacidad de fabulacion, enriquecen la realidad convirtiendola en literatura. / Luis Sepulveda has a passion: traveling. Wandering the world, watching people and hearing stories. But Sepulveda has another passion, that in symbiosis with the previous one, which is to tell by himself, in his own way, those listened stories and others that, thanks to his boundless capacity for fabling, enrich the reality to transform it into literature.