Author - Eugen Neuhaus
The Galleries of the Exposition (Dodo Press)
EAN 9781406530896 6.95 USD -
The Galleries of the Exposition. A Critical Review of the Paintings, Statuary and the Graphic Arts in the Palace of Fine Arts at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition
EAN 9781377689029 26.10 USD -
The Galleries of the Exposition
EAN 9781438574127 11.94 USD -
The Galleries of the Exposition: A Critical Review of the Paintings, Statuary and the Graphic Arts in the Palace of Fine Arts at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition
EAN 9785877315273 9.86 USD -
The Art Of The Exposition Personal Impressions Of The Architecture,Sculpture, Mural Decorations, Color, Scheme & Other Asthetic Aspects Of The Panama-Pacific International Exposition
EAN 9781409783299 38.51 USD -
The Art of the Exposition (Dodo Press)
EAN 9781406530889 7.09 USD -
Painters, pictures and the people
EAN 9785877314009 11.05 USD