Author - Simon Newcomb
Astronomical Papers Prepared for the Use of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac
EAN 9785879092158 13.19 USD -
A plain man's talk on the labor question microform
EAN 9785883097569 9.71 USD -
Key to Newcomb's College Algebra
EAN 9785880504800 8.75 USD -
Newcomb-Engelmann's Populare astronomie : herausgegeben von Dr. H. C. Vogel, mit dem Bildness W. Herschels, 1 Photographischen Tafel und 196 Holzschnitten
EAN 9785880049387 12.13 USD -
A Compendium of Spherical Astronomy with Its Applications to the .
EAN 9785883780799 12.62 USD -
Astronomy for High Schools and Colleges
EAN 9785876375643 14.73 USD -
Astronomy for Everybody
EAN 9785879092059 11.18 USD -
A transformation of Hansen's lunar theory compared wiht the theory of Delaunay microform
EAN 9785883950789 8.01 USD -
Plain man's talk on the labor question
EAN 9785879091601 9.97 USD -
Positions of fundamental stars deduced from observations made at the U.S. Naval observatory between the years 1862 and 1867
EAN 9785879091700 8.07 USD -
Catalogue of 1098 standard clock and zodiacal stars
EAN 9785879091526 9.83 USD -
An investigation of the orbit of Neptune, with general tables of its motion
EAN 9785879091519 8.97 USD -
An investigation of the orbit of Uranus, with general tables of its motion
EAN 9785879091762 11.05 USD -
A Critical Examination of Our Financial Policy During the Southern Rebellion
EAN 9785879092219 10.07 USD