Author - Simon Newcomb
The Stars: A Study of the Universe
EAN 9785884441019 8.93 USD -
Side-lights on astronomy and kindred fields of popular science;
EAN 9785879091649 11.29 USD -
Astronomy for Students and General Readers
EAN 9785873262717 12.61 USD -
Astronomy for schools and colleges
EAN 9785876370006 13.21 USD -
Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigono
EAN 9785879092080 9.88 USD -
Elements of the differential and integral calculus microform
EAN 9785873017638 10.73 USD -
The reminiscences of an astronomer
EAN 9785879091533 12.22 USD -
Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry with Logarithmic and Other Mathematical Tables and Examples of Their Use and Hints On the Art of Computation
EAN 9785879091984 11.25 USD -
The stars; a study of the universe
EAN 9785879091434 11.25 USD -
Collected Works - spurs for graduates and Abitur. "To 5 / Sbornik sochineniy - shpor dlya vypusknikov i abitur."na 5 s "
EAN 9785872592259 8.89 USD -
Elements of differential and integral calculus
EAN 9785879091496 11.09 USD -
Simon Newcomb's Astronomie fur jedermann: Eine allgemeinverstandliche Darstellung der .
EAN 9785880256365 8.98 USD -
Investigation of inequalities in the motion of the moon produced by the action of the planets
EAN 9785877808805 9.83 USD -
On the Right Ascensions of the Equatorial Fundamental Stars
EAN 9785879092035 8.78 USD