Author - Walter W. Skeat
Specimens of English Literature from the 'Ploughmans Erede' to the 'Shepheardes Calender,' A. D .
EAN 9785873284030 10.66 USD -
The tale of Gamelyn: From the Harleian Ms. No. 7334, Collated with Six Other Mss.
EAN 9785873313266 7.09 USD -
Specimens of English Literature: From the 'ploughmans Crede' to the 'shepheardes Calendar,' A.D. 1394-A.D. 1579, Part 1579
EAN 9785878053051 13.43 USD -
The lay of Havelok the Dane, re-edited from ms. Laud misc. 108 in the Bodleian library, Oxford
EAN 9785873717248 8.05 USD -
Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the 'Shepheardes calender', A. D. 1394-A.D. 1579;
EAN 9785873678143 10.62 USD -
Specimens of English Literature, from the 'Ploughmans Crede' to the 'Shepheardes Calender', A.D .
EAN 9785879756128 10.62 USD -
A Student's Pastime: Being a Series of Articles Reprinted from "Notes and Queries"
EAN 9785878052337 13.14 USD -
The Lay of Havelok the Dane: Re-edited from Ms. Laud Misc. 108 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford
EAN 9785880110605 8.07 USD -
A bibliographical list of the works that have been published, or are known to exist in ms.
EAN 9785880198177 8.01 USD -
A Concise Dictionary of Middle English (1888)
EAN 9781594621192 29.37 USD -
The Complete Works Of Geoffrey Chaucer
EAN 9781443766531 44.49 USD -
Lancelot Of The Laik - A Scottish Metrical Romance, (About 1490-1500 A.D.)
EAN 9781408608616 38.90 USD -
Aelfric's Lives of Saints: Being a Set of Sermons on Saints' Days Formerly Observed by the English C
EAN 9785874069810 14.82 USD -
A Primer of English Etymology
EAN 9781596050914 12.72 USD