Author - Walter W. Skeat
A Glossary: With an Introduction, an Outline of Grammar, and a List of Anglo
EAN 9785874316129 11.78 USD -
Pierce the Ploughman's crede (about 1394 A.D.): transcribed and edited from . no. 30
EAN 9785879790443 7.10 USD -
The law of Havelok the Dane
EAN 9780469852907 29.43 USD -
The Place-names of Suffolk
EAN 9780526390687 27.50 USD -
A Glossary of Tudor and Stuart Words
EAN 9780530170350 35.38 USD -
The Chaucer Canon
EAN 9781010120285 28.73 USD -
The Tale of Gamelyn
EAN 9783744710930 26.98 USD -
The Tale of Gamelyn
EAN 9780341668787 26.98 USD -
Questions for Examination in English Literature: Chiefly Selected from College-papers Set in .
EAN 9785873569106 7.21 USD -
Notes on English etymology; chiefly reprinted from the Transactions of the Philological society. 9; v. 16
EAN 9785884347694 12.54 USD -
The Gospel of Saint Mark in Gothic, according to the translation made by Wulfila in the fourth .
EAN 9785881217921 9.67 USD -
The Lay of Havelok the Dane: Re-Edited from Ms. Laud Misc. 108 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford
EAN 9785874116781 10.05 USD -
The vision of William concerning Piers Plowman, together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest, secundum Wit et Resoun Volume 2
EAN 9781177080132 24.79 USD -
Specimens of English Literature from the 'Ploughmans Crede' to the 'Shepheardes Calendar,' A.D .
EAN 9785880200276 10.66 USD