Author - Abraham Lincoln
Discoveries and inventions; a lecture
EAN 9785874908379 7.98 USD -
Noted speeches of Abraham Lincoln, including the Lincoln-Douglas debate
EAN 9785875064531 10.73 USD -
Life and Works of Abraham Lincoln: Early Speeches, 1832-1856
EAN 9785876878052 11.09 USD -
The Lincoln-Douglas debates;
EAN 9785875642692 11.61 USD -
Life and Works of Abraham Lincoln: Whitney, H. C. Lincoln the Citizen
EAN 9785876878434 11.14 USD -
The life and works of Abraham Lincoln. v.8 pt.2
EAN 9785883715067 9.76 USD -
Speeches & letters of Abraham Lincoln, 1832-1865
EAN 9785883337405 9.95 USD -
The writings of Abraham Lincoln. 2
EAN 9785883514387 10.77 USD -
Complete works of Abraham Lincoln. 15
EAN 9785880244331 8.99 USD -
An anthology of the epigrams and sayings of Abraham Lincoln
EAN 9785880266678 6.96 USD -
The martyr's monument. Being the patriotism and political wisdom of Abraham Lincoln, as exhibited in his speeches, messages, orders, and . until his assassination, April 14, 1865
EAN 9785876874849 11.05 USD -
ABE LINCOLN'S YARNS AND STORIES: a complete collection of the funny and witty anecdotes that made Lincoln famous as America's greatest story teller
EAN 9785876876126 12.30 USD -
The life and works of Abraham Lincoln. v.1 pt.2
EAN 9785883714732 9.80 USD -
The Lincoln-Douglas debates
EAN 9785872699552 9.55 USD