Author - Abraham Lincoln
The works of Abraham Lincoln . 7
EAN 9785873509652 8.99 USD -
The works of Abraham Lincoln . 11
EAN 9785873509706 8.80 USD -
The life and works of Abraham Lincoln. v.6 pt.2
EAN 9785883714954 9.84 USD -
The life and works of Abraham Lincoln. v.11 pt.2
EAN 9785883715197 9.90 USD -
The life and works of Abraham Lincoln. v.8 pt.1
EAN 9785883715036 9.93 USD -
The writings of Abraham Lincoln Volume 8
EAN 9785875641312 15.18 USD -
Abraham Lincoln's pen and voice; being a complete compilation of his letters, civil, political, and military, also his public addresses, messages to . proclamations upon various public concerns
EAN 9785876874887 12.24 USD -
.First and second inaugural addresses, message, July 5, 1861;
EAN 9785876874818 8.05 USD -
The words of Abraham Lincoln, for use in schools;
EAN 9785876874498 10.30 USD -
The life and works of Abraham Lincoln. v.5 pt.2
EAN 9785883714930 9.95 USD -
The political debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas: in the senatorial campaign of 1858 in Illinois, together with certain preceding speeches of each at Chicago, Springfield, etc.
EAN 9785875641848 17.24 USD -
Address of Hon. Edward Everett, at the Consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, 19Th November, 1863: With the Dedicatory Speech of . by an Account of the Origin of the Under
EAN 9785875794179 8.89 USD -
Political Debates Between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stehen A. Douglas, in the Celebrated Campaign of 1858, in Illinois: Including the Preceeding . Great Speeches of Mr. Lincoln in Ohio, in 1
EAN 9785875644436 12.06 USD -
Lincolnics; familiar sayings of Abraham Lincoln
EAN 9785876875860 10.10 USD