Author - Sophocles
The OEdipus Coloneus of Sophocles, with Notes, Intended Principally to Explain and Defend the Text of the Mss., As Opposed to Conjectural Emendation. by C.E. Palmer
EAN 9785878083331 8.05 USD -
Sophoclis Antigona (Latin Edition)
EAN 9785878083324 7.00 USD -
.Antigone (Ancient Greek Edition)
EAN 9785878084369 7.09 USD -
Studien Zu Sophokles, Von Prof. Hamacher The Electra, Antigone and Trachiniae, in Gr. and Germ (German Edition)
EAN 9785878083966 11.79 USD -
Des Sophocles Antigone, Gr. Und Deutsch, Herausg. Von A. Bockh. Nebst Zwei Abhandlungen Uber Diese Tragodie Im Ganzen Und Uber Einzelne Stellen Derselben (German Edition)
EAN 9785878084192 8.77 USD -
The Electra: In English Blank Verse (Dutch Edition)
EAN 9785878083188 6.37 USD -
Sophoclis Dramata Qvae Svpersvnt Et Deperditorvm Fragmenta Graece Et Latine: Denvo Recensvit Et Rich. Franc. Phil, Volume 2 (Latin Edition)
EAN 9785878082853 12.41 USD -
Sophokles Tragoedien, Volume 9 (Ancient Greek Edition)
EAN 9785878083942 11.62 USD -
Oedipus Tyrannus With Notes Critical An
EAN 9785878084147 9.01 USD -
Seven Plays in English Verse
EAN 9785878084284 10.45 USD -
The Ajax of Sophocles: With English Notes
EAN 9785878083638 7.07 USD -
Sophokles. 6
EAN 9785881286125 9.58 USD -
Sophocles, in Single Plays, for the Use of Schools. Ed. with Intr. and Engl. Notes by L. Campbell and E. Abbott. (Clar. Press Ser.). Oedipus Tyrannus
EAN 9785878083317 8.93 USD -
Philoctetes (Latin Edition)
EAN 9785878084567 8.89 USD