Author - Sophocles
Oedipus Tyrannus: A New Translation. Passages from Ancient Authors. Religion and Psychology: Some Studies. Criticism
EAN 9780393098747 15.94 USD -
The OEdipus Tyrannus, with Engl. Notes, Tr. from the Germ. of F.W. Schneidewin by H. Browne
EAN 9785878084659 7.80 USD -
Tragedies and Fragments, Translated by the Late E.H. Plumptre.With Notes, Rhymed Choral Odes and Lyrical Dialogues.
EAN 9785878084178 10.46 USD -
Gntigã³ny. the Antigone of Sophocles Wi
EAN 9785878084604 7.87 USD -
Oedipus the King: Text and Translation (Greek Edition)
EAN 9785878083546 9.05 USD -
Aiax Latin Edition
EAN 9785878084185 9.71 USD -
Sophocles in Single Plays for the Use O
EAN 9785878084574 7.17 USD -
OEdipus, King of Thebes, Tr. by Sir F.H. Doyle
EAN 9785878083621 6.98 USD -
EAN 9780141397702 1.47 USD -
EAN 9781420933147 11.31 USD -
Aias (Ajax)
EAN 9781420933116 11.06 USD -
EAN 9781420933123 4.69 USD -
EAN 9781420926040 5.84 USD -
Tragedies De Sophocle (French Edition)
EAN 9785878082549 9.82 USD