Брэнд - Health Administration Press
The Tracks We Leave: Ethics in Healthcare Management
EAN 9781567931679 66.03 USD -
Going Lean: Busting Barriers to Patient Flow (ACHE Management)
EAN 9781567932812 74.52 USD -
What Top-Performing Healthcare Organizations Know: 7 Proven Steps for Accelerating and Achieving Change (ACHE Management)
EAN 9781567933024 83.20 USD -
Managing Healthcare Ethically: An Executive\"s Guide, Second Edition
EAN 9781567933444 71.39 USD -
Health Policymaking in the United States
EAN 9781567932454 117.05 USD -
The Definition of Quality and Approaches to its Assessment (Explorations in Quality Assessment and Monitoring, Vol 1)
EAN 9780914904472 -
The Six Sigma Book for Healthcare: Improving Outcomes by Reducing Errors (ACHE Management Series)
EAN 9781567931914 79.95 USD -
Health Services Management: Readings, Cases, and Commentary, 9th Edition
EAN 9781567933246 87.92 USD -
Information Systems for Healthcare Management
EAN 9781567932027 -
The Future of Healthcare: Global Trends Worth Watching (Executive Essentials)
EAN 9781567933796 47.50 USD -
The Trust Prescription for Healthcare: Building Your Reputation with Consumers (Ache Management Series)
EAN 9781567932409 70.86 USD -
Decision Analysis for Healthcare Managers
EAN 9781567932560 105.00 USD -
World Health Systems: Challenges and Perspectives
EAN 9781567931822 119.64 USD -
The Law of Healthcare Administration
EAN 9781567939576 117.00 USD