Брэнд - Health Administration Press
Managed Care Essentials: A Book of Readings
EAN 9781567931129 52.72 USD -
Essentials of Strategic Planning in Healthcare
EAN 9781567933482 94.23 USD -
Healthcare Operations Management
EAN 9781567932881 -
The financial management of hospitals
EAN 9780910701181 -
Health services management: Readings and commentary
EAN 9780910701549 -
Health Policy Issues: An Economic Perspective
EAN 9781567932744 117.96 USD -
Introduction to Healthcare Quality Management
EAN 9781567935936 116.51 USD -
The Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy, and Tools
EAN 9781567933017 91.20 USD -
Accountable Care Organizations: Your Guide to Strategy, Design, and Implementation (ACHE Management)
EAN 9781567934151 81.90 USD -
Leadership for Great Customer Service: Satisfied Patients, Satisfied Employees (ACHE Management)
EAN 9781567932287 72.54 USD -
The Law and the Public\"s Health
EAN 9781567932614 88.17 USD -
Social Media in Healthcare: Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, 2nd Edition
EAN 9781567935769 48.75 USD -
Dimensions of Long-Term Care Management: An Introduction
EAN 9781567933833 98.38 USD -
Understanding the U.S. Health Services System, Fourth Edition
EAN 9781567933383 106.98 USD