Brand - Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo Un-ta
Tserkovno-Gosudarstvennye Otnosheniia v Rossii v 30-80-e Gody XVI Veka: [The Church-state relationship in Russia in the 30-80"s of the XVI century: ]
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Sud"by Massovoi Kul"tury Rossii: Vtoraia Polovina XIX — Pervaia Tret" XX Veka: Nauchnoe Izdanie[The fate of mass culture in Russia: Second half of the 19th — first third of the 20th centuries: Scholarly publication]
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Zolotoi Os"mnadtsatyi . . . ": Russkoe Iskusstvo XVIII v. v Sovremennom Otechestvennom Iskusstvoznanii: Sbornik Statei ["The Golden Eighteenth...": Russian art of the XVIII cent. in contemporary national art studies: Collected articles]
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Vselennaya filosofa. 2-e izdanie, ispr. a dop.
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