Brand - URSS editorial
Lecciones de matemáticas, vol. 4 : optimización
EAN 9785396005259 13.02 USD -
Spravochnoe posobie po vysshej matematike. Tom 4 (AntiDemidovich)
EAN 9785354006823 -
Risk v mnogokriterial"nykh i konfliktnykh sistemakh pri neopredelennosti
EAN 9785354003372 -
Russian foreign policy
EAN 9785396007093 22.04 USD -
Tangent structures in geometry and their applications
EAN 9785396005884 21.90 USD -
Laser Physics
EAN 9785396006126 24.05 USD -
Introduction to modern kinetic theory
EAN 9785396006119 31.22 USD -
Fundamentals of physics
EAN 9785396005914 16.83 USD