Brand - Luna Plena Publishing
The Prophet Joseph in the Qur"an, the Bible, and History
EAN 9781906342005 13.91 USD -
The Mystery of the Crucifixion: The Attempt to Kill Jesus in the Qur’an, the New Testament, and Historical Sources
EAN 9781906342043 11.14 USD -
The Mystery of the Messiah: The Messiahship of Jesus in the Qur"an, New Testament, Old Testament, and Other Sources
EAN 9781906342050 11.39 USD -
The Mystery of Israel in Ancient Egypt: The Exodus in the Qur"an, the Old Testament, Archaeological Finds, and Historical Sources
EAN 9781906342036 16.47 USD -
The Mystery of the Historical Jesus: The Messiah in the Qur"an, the Bible, and Historical Sources
EAN 9781906342012 31.90 USD -
Jihad in the Qur"an: The Truth from the Source (Third Edition)
EAN 9781906342067 10.07 USD -
Purification of the Mind (Jila" Al-Khatir), Second Edition
EAN 9781906342029 16.41 USD -
The Names of the Qur"anic Chapters: Their Origins and Meanings
EAN 9781906342081 6.50 USD -
Jesus The Muslim Prophet: History Speaks of a Human Messiah Not a Divine Christ
EAN 9781906342074 13.93 USD -
The First and Last Revelations of the Qur"an
EAN 9781906342180 6.62 USD