Brand - LawAfrica Publishing Ltd
Tax and Development: Solving Kenya"s Fiscal Crisis through Human Rights
EAN 9789966031006 66.87 USD -
Slavery and Colonialism. Man"s Inhumanity to Man for which Africans must Demand Reparations
EAN 9789966031099 13.03 USD -
Constitutional and Political History of Uganda: From 1894 to Present
EAN 9789966744807 62.55 USD -
Compendium of Codes of Legal Practice, Conduct, Ethics and Etiquette in East Africa
EAN 9781904855545 50.05 USD -
Media and the Common Good. Perspectives on media, democracy and responsibility
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Professional Ethics: A Kenyan Perspective
EAN 9789966031204 39.30 USD -
Essays in Criminology
EAN 9789966031075 63.42 USD -
Arbitration Law and Practice in Kenya
EAN 9789966031143 65.12 USD -
A Commentary on the Civil Procedure Act
EAN 9789966153227 88.35 USD -
Governance, Institutions and the Human Condition
EAN 9789966738448 63.72 USD -
Freedom of Speech for Members of Parliament in Tanzania
EAN 9789966723734 40.03 USD -
Kanyeihamba"s Commentaries on Law, Politics and Governance
EAN 9789966744821 47.70 USD -
Women"s Law and Grassroots Justice in Uganda (Essays in Women"s Law)
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The Jurisprudence on Regional and International Tribunals Digest
EAN 9789966712196 70.21 USD