Brand - Packt Publishing - ebooks Account
Backbone.js Blueprints
EAN 9781783286997 71.06 USD -
Prototyping Essentials with Axure
EAN 9781849698320 75.07 USD -
Learning ArcGIS Geodatabase
EAN 9781783988648 36.05 USD -
Configuration Management with Chef-Solo
EAN 9781783982462 49.12 USD -
Learning AngularJS for .NET Developers
EAN 9781783986606 55.65 USD -
Puppet Reporting and Monitoring
EAN 9781783981427 42.29 USD -
Practical Maya Programming with Python
EAN 9781849694728 64.33 USD -
Parallel Programming with Python
EAN 9781783288397 30.88 USD -
Laravel Design Patterns and Best Practices
EAN 9781783287987 33.28 USD -
Sparrow iOS Game Framework, Beginner"s Guide
EAN 9781782161509 64.27 USD -
iOS Development with Xamarin Cookbook
EAN 9781849698924 69.32 USD -
Penetration Testing with the Bash shell
EAN 9781849695107 31.96 USD -
Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook
EAN 9781783286331 72.86 USD -
Shopify Application Development
EAN 9781783281053 43.69 USD