Brand - West Law School
Election Law in a Nutshell (Nutshell Series)
EAN 9780314268471 39.98 USD -
Selected Consumer Statutes, 2009 ed.
EAN 9780314208156 38.00 USD -
Coastal and Ocean Management Law in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (West Publishing))
EAN 9780314161543 35.45 USD -
Federal Law of Employment Discrimination in a Nutshell, 7th (Nutshell Series)
EAN 9780314285355 39.78 USD -
Criminal Procedure and the Constitution, Leading Supreme Court Cases and Introductory Text, 2013
EAN 9780314288417 104.33 USD -
Black Letter Outline on Torts, 5th (Black Letter Outlines)
EAN 9780314275523 35.92 USD -
Ocean and Coastal Law, 4th (American Casebook)
EAN 9780314266743 196.95 USD -
Cases and Materials on Arbitration Law and Practice, 5th (American Casebook)
EAN 9780314911421 165.97 USD -
Sales and Leases of Goods in a Nutshell (Nutshell Series)
EAN 9780314232144 37.26 USD -
Transnational Litigation in a Nutshell (Nutshell Series)
EAN 9780314145840 39.59 USD -
New York Practice, 5th, Student Edition, Summer 2013 Supplement (Hornbook Series)
EAN 9780314288561 21.45 USD -
The Bar Exam in a Nutshell (Nutshell Series)
EAN 9780314146410 28.00 USD -
Cochran and Collett Cases and Materials on the Rules of the Legal Profession, 2d (American Casebook Series®)
EAN 9780314143914 179.40 USD