Brand - Nomos Publishers
Enforcement of FRAND Commitments under Article 102 TFEU: The Nature of FRAND Defence in Patent Litigation (Munich Intellectual Property Law Center - MIPLC)
EAN 9783832958374 32.17 USD -
The African State and Its Revenues: How Politics Influences Tax Collection in Zambia and Botswana (Development Theory and Development Policy / Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik)
EAN 9783832949198 61.00 USD -
IPOs and Venture Backed IPOs: A Theoretical and Practical Code of Practice plus Implication
EAN 9783832971663 61.78 USD -
Montenegro in Transition: Problems of Identity and Statehood (Seer Paperback)
EAN 9783832900724 19.00 USD -
State Entities in International Investment Law (Studien zum Internationalen Investitionsrecht)
EAN 9783832965167 77.03 USD