Brand - Brandeis
Jewhooing the Sixties: American Celebrity and Jewish IdentitySandy Koufax, Lenny Bruce, Bob Dylan, and Barbra Streisand (Brandeis Series in American Jewish History, Culture, and Life)
EAN 9781611683141 50.04 USD -
Jews Welcome Coffee: Tradition and Innovation in Early Modern Germany (Tauber Institute Series for the Study of European Jewry)
EAN 9781611682458 108.32 USD -
Untold Tales of the Hasidim: Crisis and Discontent in the History of Hasidism (Tauber Institute Series for the Study of European Jewry)
EAN 9781584658610 55.00 USD -
Photographing the Jewish Nation: Pictures from S. An-sky\"s Ethnographic Expeditions (Tauber Institute Series for the Study of European Jewry)
EAN 9781584657927 54.41 USD -
The Song of Songs: Love Lyrics from the Bible (HBI Series on Jewish Women)
EAN 9781584654230 14.90 USD -
The Darker Side of Genius: Richard Wagner\"s Anti-Semitism (Tauber Institute Series for the Study of European Jewry)
EAN 9781584652403 20.90 USD -
Self-Determination and Women\"s Rights in Muslim Societies (Brandeis Series on Gender, Culture, Religion, and Law)
EAN 9781611682809 29.86 USD -
Empires in Collision in Late Antiquity (The Menahem Stern Jerusalem Lectures)
EAN 9781611683219 18.83 USD -
Overweight Sensation: The Life and Comedy of Allan Sherman (Brandeis Series in American Jewish History, Culture, and Life)
EAN 9781611682564 27.40 USD -
Israel: A History (The Schusterman Series in Israel Studies)
EAN 9781611683523 29.11 USD -
Beyond Patriarchy: Jewish Fathers and Families
EAN 9780874519419 26.00 USD -
Jewish Women in Pre-State Israel: Life History, Politics, and Culture (HBI Series on Jewish Women)
EAN 9781584657033 25.35 USD