Brand - Hoover Institution Press
Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case
EAN 9780817912253 24.10 USD -
NATO : Its Past, Present and Future
EAN 9780817997823 16.11 USD -
Motherland Lost: The Egyptian and Coptic Quest for Modernity (Herbert and Jane Dwight Working Group on Islamism and the International Order)
EAN 9780817916442 18.66 USD -
The Illusion of Net Neutrality: Political Alarmism, Regulatory Creep and the Real Threat to Internet Freedom (Hoover Institution Press Publication)
EAN 9780817915940 19.45 USD -
Diplomats and bureaucrats: The first institutional responses to twentieth-century diplomacy in France and Germany (Hoover Institution publications ; 153)
EAN 9780817965310 -
Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah: The Unholy Alliance and Its War on Lebanon (Herbert & Jane Dwight Working Group on Islamism and the International Order)
EAN 9780817916657 9.70 USD -
The Storm Clouds Clear Over China: The Memoir of Ch\"en Li-Fu, 1900-1993 (Studies in Economic, Social, and Political Change, the Repub)
EAN 9780817992729 24.95 USD -
Americans and Europeans Dancing in the Dark: On Our Differences and Affinities, Our Interests, and Our Habits of Life (Hoover Institution Press Publication)
EAN 9780817948016 -
When the AK-47s Fall Silent: Revolutionaries, Guerrillas, and the Dangers of Peace (Hoover Institution Press Publication)
EAN 9780817998424 18.50 USD -
Two Societies in Opposition: The Republic of China and the People\"s Republic of China After Forty Years (Hoover Institution Press Publication)
EAN 9780817990916 19.48 USD -
Getting Off Track: How Government Actions and Interventions Caused, Prolonged, and Worsened the Financial Crisis (HOOVER INST PRESS PUBLICATION)
EAN 9780817949716 12.70 USD -
The Turkish straits and NATO (Hoover Institution studies)
EAN 9780817933210 -
African perspectives on South Africa: A collection of speeches, articles & documents (Black and white perspectives on South Africa)
EAN 9780817967628 -
Burden of Empire: An Appraisal of Western Colonialism in Africa South of the Sahara (Hoover Inst Press Publication)
EAN 9780817916923 19.95 USD