Brand - Brand: Verso
Machiavelli and Us
EAN 9781859842829 24.95 USD -
Cynicism and Postmodernity
EAN 9781859841969 28.45 USD -
After Diana: Irreverent Elegies
EAN 9781859842652 14.40 USD -
Adventures in Marxism
EAN 9781859843093 23.70 USD -
Under Three Flags: Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Imagination
EAN 9781844670901 17.07 USD -
In the Shadow of the Liberator: Hugo Chavez and the Transformation of Venezuela
EAN 9781859843659 18.00 USD -
Banking on Death: Or, Investing in Life: The History and Future of Pensions
EAN 9781859847954 30.00 USD -
Bushwomen: Tales of a Cynical Species
EAN 9781859845875 22.00 USD -
Postcolonial Theory: Contexts, Practices, Politics
EAN 9781859840344 22.95 USD -
The New Old World
EAN 9781844673124 37.23 USD -
From Handel to Hendrix: The Composer in the Public Sphere
EAN 9781859847060 21.00 USD -
The Battlefield: Algeria 1988-2002, Studies in a Broken Polity
EAN 9781859846841 23.75 USD -
Anything But Mexican: Chicanos in Contemporary Los Angeles (Haymarket Series)
EAN 9781859840313 23.70 USD -
The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena (Radical Thinkers)
EAN 9781844673452 14.54 USD