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Rethinking the Reserves
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Deterrence Theory and Chinese Behavior
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The Environmental Implications of Population Dynamics
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Expanding the Reach of Education Reforms: Perspectives from Leaders in the Scale-Up of Educational Interventions
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Air Force Compensation: Considering Some Options for Change
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The Challenges of Creating a Global Health Resource Tracking System
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Attracting College-Bound Youth into the Military: Toward the Development of New Recruiting Policy Options
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Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) and Organizational Restructuring in the DoD: Implications for Education and Training Infrastructure
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The Urbanization of Insurgency: The Potential Challenge to U.S. Army Operations
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Programmed Depot Maintenance Capacity Assessment Tool-: Workloads, Capacity, and Availability
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Diagnosing The Army"s Equipment Readiness: The Equipment Downtime Analyzer
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A Simple Game-Theoretic Approach to Suppression of Enemy Defenses and Other Time Critical Target Analyses
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Framing a Strategic Approach for Reserve Component Joint Officer Management
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Policy Options for Military Recruiting in the College Market: Results from a National Survey
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