Brand - Baylor University Press
Preaching Fools: The Gospel as a Rhetoric of Folly
EAN 9781602583658 39.20 USD -
The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Vol 1: Scripture and the Scrolls (Bile and the Dead Sea Scrolls) (The Princeton Symposium on the Dead Sea Scrolls)
EAN 9781932792751 63.33 USD -
Baptists through the Centuries: A History of a Global People
EAN 9781602582040 38.47 USD -
Margaret Fell and the End of Time: The Theology of the Mother of Quakerism
EAN 9781602580626 37.95 USD -
Tree of Tales: Tolkien, Literature and Theology
EAN 9781932792645 22.57 USD -
Nonviolence - a Brief History: The Warsaw Lectures
EAN 9781602582569 27.86 USD -
Associations in the Greco-Roman World: A Sourcebook
EAN 9781602583740 37.95 USD -
In His Traces: The Life and Times of R.E.B. Baylor
EAN 9781602585829 50.26 USD -
Nothing Better Than This: The Biography of James Huckins, First Baptist Missionary to Texas
EAN 9781602585805 40.04 USD -
John in the Company of Poets: The Gospel in Literary Imagination (Studies in Christianity and Literature)
EAN 9781602584259 -
Religious Freedom and the Supreme Court
EAN 9781602581609 71.78 USD -
The Rhetoric of Sir Garfield Todd: Christian Imagination and the Dream of an African Democracy (Studies in Rhetoric & Religion)
EAN 9781932792867 53.58 USD -
Government & the News Media: Comparative Dimensions
EAN 9780918954428 13.72 USD -
Professing in the Postmodern Academy: Faculty and the Future of Church-Related Colleges. (Issues in Religion and Higher Education)
EAN 9780918954824