Brand - I. B. Tauris
Managing Heritage, Making Peace: History, Identity and Memory in Contemporary Kenya (International Library of African Studies)
EAN 9781780761527 92.62 USD -
Hitler and Czechoslovakia in World War II: Domination and Retaliation (International Library of Twentieth Century History)
EAN 9781780761107 90.90 USD -
Greece, The Hidden Centuries: Turkish Rule from the Fall of Constantinople to Greek Independence
EAN 9781780762388 16.25 USD -
Modern Afghanistan: A History of Struggle and Survival
EAN 9781845113162 21.99 USD -
The Doctor"s Monsters: Meanings of the Monstrous in Doctor Who
EAN 9781848851788 24.95 USD -
Mirror: The Film Companion (KINOfiles Film Companion)
EAN 9781860645211 20.44 USD -
Film Propaganda: Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany, 2nd Revised Edition (Cinema and society)
EAN 9781860641671 25.27 USD -
Cinema and Soviet Society: From the Revolution to the Death of Stalin (KINO - The Russian Cinema)
EAN 9781860645686 35.00 USD -
Reaching for the Stars: A New History of Bomber Command in World War II
EAN 9781860648052 29.00 USD -
A Short History of the American Revolutionary War (I.B. Tauris Short Histories)
EAN 9781848858138 12.98 USD -
One Hundred Years of Socialism: The West European Left in the Twentieth Century
EAN 9781780767611 26.88 USD -
The Cinema of Tarkovsky: Labyrinths of Space and Time (Kino: the Russian and Soviet Cinema)
EAN 9781848856301 23.95 USD -
The Modernity of Ancient Sculpture: Greek Sculpture and Modern Art from Winckelmann to Picasso (New Directions in Classics)
EAN 9781848859029 166.32 USD -
Zion in Africa: The Jews of Zambia
EAN 9781860644054 69.95 USD