Brand - Anker Pub
Peer Review of Teaching: A Sourcebook (JB - Anker)
EAN 9781933371214 51.05 USD -
Honoring the Trust: Quality and Cost Containment in Higher Education (JB - Anker)
EAN 9781882982561 60.51 USD -
Rights and Wrongs in the College Classroom: Ethical Issues in Postsecondary Teaching (Jb-Anker Series)
EAN 9781933371146 40.55 USD -
The Sista" Network: African-American Women Successfully Negotiating the Road to Tenure (JB - Anker)
EAN 9781882982929 36.88 USD -
Post-Tenure Faculty Review and Renewal: Experienced Voices
EAN 9781563770531 36.85 USD -
Policies on Faculty Appointment: Standard Practices & Unusual Arrangements
EAN 9781882982387 -
The Essential Department Chair: A Practical Guide to College Administration (Jossey-Bass Resources for Department Chairs)
EAN 9781882982998 -
Assessing Academic Programs in Higher Education (Hardcover)
EAN 9781882982677 38.66 USD -
Aligning for Learning: Strategies for Teaching Effectiveness (JB - Anker)
EAN 9781882982820 39.32 USD -
Community-Based Learning and the Work of Literature (Jb-Anker Series)
EAN 9781933371122 45.19 USD -
Faculty Advising Examined: Enhancing the Potential of College Faculty as Advisors (Jb-Anker Series)
EAN 9781882982639 38.57 USD -
Service-Learning Code of Ethics (Jb - Anker)
EAN 9781882982837 43.10 USD -
Chairing Academic Departments: Traditional and Emerging Expectations (Jossey-Bass Resources for Department Chairs)
EAN 9781933371030 43.72 USD