Brand - Codesria
East Africa. In Search of National and Regional Renewal (Codesria Book)
EAN 9782869781443 34.50 USD -
Senegal: Essays in Statecraft (CODESRIA Book)
EAN 9782869780323 -
L"Algerie, des principes de novembre a l"ajustement structural (Serie de livres du CODESRIA) (French Edition)
EAN 9782869780736 -
The Crisis of the State and Regionalism in West Africa
EAN 9782869781665 46.38 USD -
On Private Indirect Government (State of the Literature)
EAN 9781904855248 43.92 USD -
Reforming the African Public Sector. Retrospect and Prospects
EAN 9782869782143 36.75 USD -
Reforming the Malawian Public Sector. Retrospectives and Prospectives (Codesria Book Series)
EAN 9782869783140 73.53 USD -
The Economic and Social Impact of Privatisation of State-owned Enterprises in Africa
EAN 9782869782280 33.08 USD -
Frontieres de la citoyennete et violence politique en Cote d"Ivoire (French Edition)
EAN 9782869782174 48.65 USD -
Litteratures Africaines Francophones Des Annees 1980 Et 1990 (French Edition)
EAN 9782869781207 35.00 USD -
From "Foreign Natives" to "Native Foreigners". Explaining Xenophobia in Post-apartheid South Africa (Monograph)
EAN 9782869782006 30.11 USD -
Between Liberalisation and Oppression. The Politics of Structural Adjustment in Africa (Codesria Book Series)
EAN 9782869780538 65.05 USD -
Rethinking Security in Nigeria. Conceptual Issues in the Quest for Social Order and National Integration
EAN 9782869782112 44.60 USD -
Youth and Higher Education in Africa. The Cases of Cameroon, South Africa, Eritrea and Zimbabwe
EAN 9782869782396 46.96 USD