Brand - Wesleyan
The Wisdom of Words: Language, Theology, and Literature in the New England Renaissance
EAN 9780819561206 -
Power and Status: Officeholding in Colonial America
EAN 9780819551184 -
The Vanishing American: White Attitudes and U.S. Indian Policy
EAN 9780819561459 -
A Game for Dancers: Performing Modernism in the Postwar Years, 1945-1960
EAN 9780819568052 21.84 USD -
From the Book to the Book: An Edmond Jabes Reader
EAN 9780819562524 19.45 USD -
Glamour Addiction: Inside the American Ballroom Dance Industry
EAN 9780819567741 26.21 USD -
Centering in Pottery, Poetry, and the Person
EAN 9780819562005 17.44 USD -
Lucky Seven (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
EAN 9780819521415 -
Altazor (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
EAN 9780819566782 18.19 USD -
Marmalade Me (Revised and Expanded Edition)
EAN 9780819563149 27.07 USD -
Dub: Soundscapes and Shattered Songs in Jamaican Reggae (Music Culture)
EAN 9780819565723 25.38 USD -
Carved in Stone: The Artistry of Early New England Gravestones
EAN 9780819573018 25.74 USD -
The Old Leather Man: Historical Accounts of a Connecticut and New York Legend (Garnet Books)
EAN 9780819568625 30.20 USD -
The Mighty Orinoco (Early Classics of Science Fiction)
EAN 9780819565112 27.77 USD