Brand - Ithaca Press
Debate on Palestine
EAN 9780903729642 39.58 USD -
Selected Stories
EAN 9780863721489 -
Morocco Under King Hassan
EAN 9780863723124 34.08 USD -
Israel and the Palestinians
EAN 9780903729123 -
Oman in Early Islamic History
EAN 9780863722387 69.95 USD -
Arab Brain Drain: Seminar Proceedings
EAN 9780903729628 -
Review of Middle East Studies
EAN 9780903729147 -
Capital Formation in Egyptian Industry and Agriculture, 1882-1967 (St. Antony"s Middle East monographs)
EAN 9780903729055 -
State and Agricultural Development in Egypt Since 1973 (Middle East Science Policy Studies)
EAN 9780863720802 40.41 USD -
Gazelle Review of Literature on the Middle East
EAN 9780863720437 -
Island of the Phoenix: An Ethnographic Study of the People of Socotra (Middle East Cultures : Yemen)
EAN 9780863721373 78.50 USD -
Nationalism and Self Determination in the Horn of Africa (Political Studies of the Middle East)
EAN 9780903729932 -
Taoist Books in the Libraries of the Sung Period: A Critical Study and Index (Oxford Oriental Institute Monograph)
EAN 9780863720086 -
Syria and the New World Order (Durham Middle East Monographs Series)
EAN 9780863722493