Brand - Columbia Pr
Let All the Peoples Praise Him: Lectio Divina and the Psalms
EAN 9781856072311 7.89 USD -
One Hundred Years with the Clonard Redemptorists
EAN 9781856073981 25.28 USD -
The Columba Lectionary for the Masses with Children: Year B
EAN 9781856076487 31.22 USD -
A Century of Mission & Unity: A Centenary Perspective on the 1910 Edinburgh World Missionary Confere
EAN 9781856076890 21.08 USD -
Father Dan: The Story of an Imperfect Priest
EAN 9781856076401 20.51 USD -
No Lions in the Hierarchy: An Anthology of Sorts (Columba Classics)
EAN 9781856077828 23.89 USD -
Where Two Traditions Meet: John Sullivan SJ 1861 - 1933
EAN 9781856076449 21.54 USD -
Has God Logged Off?: The Quest for Meaning in the 21st Century
EAN 9781856076180 11.21 USD -
Reflecting at Knock: Before our Merciful Lamb
EAN 9781856075817 16.87 USD -
Saint Moling Luachra: A Pilgrimage from Sliabh Luachra to Rinn Ros Broic Above the Stream
EAN 9781856073387 29.67 USD -
Churches in Exile: Alternative Models of Church for Ireland in the 21st Century
EAN 9781856078382 24.32 USD -
A New Vision for the Catholic Church: A View from Ireland
EAN 9781856077293 16.54 USD -
Preparing for Marriage: Services from The Book of Common Prayer 2004 and Readings Recommended
EAN 9781856074506 7.36 USD -
Mystery of Faith: Reflections on the Encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharistia
EAN 9781856074872 30.73 USD