Brand - Sheridan House Inc
Mudlark"s Ghosts: And the Restoration of a Herreshoff Meadow Lark
EAN 9781574092455 18.53 USD -
Seagulls in My Soup: Further Adventures of a Wayward Sailor
EAN 9781574090055 13.24 USD -
Intensive Care
EAN 9789996227769 -
Through the Land of Fire: Fifty-six South
EAN 9781574092028 21.44 USD -
Basic Coastal Navigation: An Introduction to Piloting
EAN 9780924486395 29.95 USD -
How to Cope with Storms
EAN 9781574090321 11.43 USD -
Fixing Positions: Trailer Sailing the West
EAN 9781574092684 21.28 USD -
Chance the Tide: How to Cruise to the Bahamas for the Winter
EAN 9781574091472 17.15 USD -
Capt. Joshua Slocum: The Life and Voyages of America"s Best Known Sailor
EAN 9780911378047 11.59 USD -
Sou"West in Wanderer IV
EAN 9780911378603 -
The Folkboat Story: From Cult to Classic-The Renaissance of a Legend
EAN 9781574091229 -
In Darwin"s Wake: Revisiting Beagle"s South American Anchorages
EAN 9781574090253 27.50 USD -
Salvage: A Personal Odyssey
EAN 9781906266004 40.28 USD -
Race Winning Strategies: Smart Lessons with Deep Dakron
EAN 9780924486883