Brand - Red Sea Press
Counseling in an Eritrean Context
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Death of Dignity
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A Social History of Ethiopia: The Northern and Central Highlands from Early Medieval Times to the Rise of Emperor Tewodros II
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Bandits on the Border: The Last Frontier in the Search for Somali Unity
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Haile Sellassie I: The Formative Years, 1892-1936 (v. 1)
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Ethiopic an African Writing System: Its History and Principles
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The Last Camel: True Stories about Somalia
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We Have Our Voice: Selected Poems of Reesom Haile
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To Fight and Learn: The Praxis and Promise of Literacy in Eritrea"s Independence War
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Oromia and Ethiopia: State Formation and Ethnonational Conflict, 1868-2004
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Survival and Modernization, Ethiopia"s Enigmatic Present: A Philosophical Discourse
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Famous Black Quotations: On Women, Love and Other Topics
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Twenty Years to Nowhere: Property Rights, Land Management and Conservation in Ethiopia
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Peoples of the Horn of Africa: Somali, Afar and Saho
EAN 9781569021057