Brand - Bloomsbury Academic Visual Art
The Thames (Black"s Sketchbooks)
EAN 9781408115565 5.92 USD -
Wall Pieces (Ceramics Handbooks)
EAN 9781408104071 24.42 USD -
Salt Glazing (Ceramics)
EAN 9780713648218 52.05 USD -
Spinning Wool
EAN 9781408130810 29.65 USD -
Maiolica (Ceramics Handbooks)
EAN 9781408114162 25.07 USD -
Techniques of Kiln-Formed Glass
EAN 9780713661200 44.55 USD -
The Fantasy Artist"s Figure Drawing Bible: Ready-To-Draw Characters and Step-By-Step Rendering Techniques[ THE FANTASY ARTIST"S FIGURE DRAWING BIBLE: READY-TO-DRAW CHARACTERS AND STEP-BY-STEP RENDERING TECHNIQUES ] by Dixon, Matt (Author) Jul-18-08[ Hardcover ]
EAN 9781408100769 23.88 USD -
Inspirations in Kiln-Formed Glass
EAN 9781408114377 25.20 USD -
Complete Metalsmith
EAN 9781408127315 44.55 USD -
Scarves, Ties, Collars and Belts (Design and Make)
EAN 9780713688344 23.41 USD -
Watercolour Artist"s Handbook
EAN 9781408124963 24.16 USD -
Techniques of Glass Engraving
EAN 9780713675160 46.89 USD -
Making Hair Jewels and Accessories
EAN 9780713687392 22.27 USD -
EAN 9780713664904 46.86 USD