Brand - Society of Automotive Engineers Inc
Proceedings of the 5th Automotive Corrosion and Prevention Conference (Sae Conference Proceedings)
EAN 9781560911838 -
Proceedings of the 26th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (Sae Conference Proceedings)
EAN 9780894481635 -
Load Simulation and Analysis in Automotive Engineering, 2009
EAN 9780768021295 122.59 USD -
Synthetic Automotive Engine Oils/Pt22: Selected Papers Through 1981 (Pt (Series) (Warrendale, Pa.), 22.)
EAN 9780898831108 -
Annual Index/Abstracts of SAE Technical Papers, 2007
EAN 9780768019889 114.38 USD -
Manual on Design and Application of Leaf Springs (SAE information report)
EAN 9780898833836 93.14 USD -
Sae Transactions: Journal of Engines, 1988 Papers
EAN 9780898836448 -
Gasket Design, Testing, Sealing (S P (Society of Automotive Engineers))
EAN 9780898836684 -
Annual Index/Abstracts of Sae Technical Papers, 2003
EAN 9780768014563 98.69 USD -
Innovations in Design: 1993 Ford Hybrid Electric Vehicle Challenge (S P (Society of Automotive Engineers))
EAN 9781560913887 -
EAN 9781560911616 29.00 USD -
EAN 9781560914754 49.00 USD -
EAN 9781560912255 -
Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering
EAN 9780768013801 169.37 USD