Brand - Library of America
Theodore Roosevelt: The Rough Riders/An Autobiography (Library of America)
EAN 9781931082655 40.47 USD -
Wright: Works 2-volume boxed set (Library of America)
EAN 9780940450752 56.33 USD -
Henry James: Complete Stories 1864-1874 (Library of America)
EAN 9781883011703 39.14 USD -
The Debate on the Constitution : Federalist and Antifederalist Speeches, Articles and Letters During the Struggle over Ratification, Part Two: January to August 1788 (Library of America)
EAN 9780940450646 25.56 USD -
Harlem Renaissance: Five Novels of the 1920s (Library of America)
EAN 9781598530995 40.14 USD -
Harlem Renaissance: Four Novels of the 1930s (Library of America)
EAN 9781598531015 44.91 USD -
Valis and Later Novels: A Maze of Death / Valis / the Divine Invasion / the Transmigration of Timothy Archer
EAN 9781598530445 41.16 USD -
Elmore Leonard: Four Novels of the 1970s: Fifty-Two Pickup / Swag / Unknown Man/ No. 89 / The Switch: (Library of America #255)
EAN 9781598533057 42.35 USD -
Saul Bellow: Novels 1984-2000: (Library of America #260)
EAN 9781598533521 43.27 USD -
Kurt Vonnegut: Novels 1976–1985: Slapstick / Jailbird / Deadeye Dick / Galápagos: (Library of America #252)
EAN 9781598533040 40.16 USD -
Raymond Chandler: Later Novels and Other Writings: The Lady in the Lake / The Little Sister / The Long Goodbye / Playback /Double Indemnity / Selected Essays and Letters (Library of America)
EAN 9781883011086 42.94 USD -
W.S. Merwin: Collected Poems 1996-2011: (Library of America #241)
EAN 9781598532098 44.03 USD -
Jack Kerouac: Collected Poems (The Library of America)
EAN 9781598531947 45.77 USD -
Collected Poems 1952-1993
EAN 9781598532081 45.44 USD