Brand - The Catholic University of America Press
Recapitulations: Essays in Philosophy (Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy)
EAN 9780813207643 -
The Play of Allegory in the Autos Sacramentales of Pedro Calderon de La Barca (Contexts & Literature)
EAN 9780813207339 -
Huguccio: The Life, Works, and Thought of a Twelfth-Century Jurist (Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Canon Law)
EAN 9780813207872 -
EAN 9780813213590 52.75 USD -
EAN 9780813200705 -
EAN 9780813207766 -
EAN 9780813207438 -
Friar Thomas D"Aquino: His Life, Thought, and Works
EAN 9780813205908 -
St. Augustine on Marriage and Sexuality (Fathers of the Church)
EAN 9780813208664 -
EAN 9780813221410 32.89 USD -
EAN 9780813207520 -
Edmund Husserl & the Phenomenological Tradition: Essays in Phenomenology (Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy)
EAN 9780813206561 -
EAN 9780813208152 -
Century Ended, Century Begun: The Catholic University of America
EAN 9780813207353