Brand - Minnesota Historical Society Press
One Frozen Lake
EAN 9780873518666 16.11 USD -
The Voyageur
EAN 9780873512138 16.20 USD -
Boyhood on the Upper Mississippi: A Reminiscent Letter
EAN 9780873512176 7.95 USD -
What This Awl Means: Feminist Archaeology at a Wahpeton Dakota Village: 1st (First) Edition
EAN 8580000839029 -
The Minnesota Ethnic Food Book
EAN 9780873511971 -
Picturing Lake Minnetonka: A Postcard History
EAN 9780873514026 32.69 USD -
A Choice of Weapons
EAN 9780873517690 15.83 USD -
AIA Guide to the Minneapolis Lake District
EAN 9780873516457 15.15 USD -
Snowshoe Country (Borealis Books)
EAN 9780873512367 8.50 USD -
Red River Trails : Oxcart Routes Between St Paul and the Selkirk Settlement 1820-1870 (Publications of the Minnesota Historical Society.)
EAN 9780873511339 16.11 USD -
Building Community Keeping the Faith: German Catholic Vernacular Architecture in a Rural Minnesota Parish
EAN 9780873513685 -
Bracketts Battalion: Minnesota Cavalry in the Civil War and Dakota War
EAN 9780873514774 15.11 USD -
Norwegians on the Prairie: Ethnicity and the Development of the Country Town
EAN 9780873516037 21.50 USD -
Pale Horse at Plum Run: The First Minnesota at Gettysburg
EAN 9780873515115 17.50 USD