Brand - Hart Pub
Sovereignty and the Stateless Nation: Gibraltar in the Modern Legal Context (Studies in International Law)
EAN 9781841139166 125.57 USD -
Intellectual Property and Private International Law: Comparative Perspectives (Studies in Private International Law)
EAN 9781849462310 340.29 USD -
Police Actions: A Practical Guide
EAN 9781841130774 -
Enforcing Pollution Control Regulation: Strengthening Sanctions and Improving Deterrence
EAN 9781841139258 85.43 USD -
Law and Aesthetics (Legal Theory Today)
EAN 9781841132433 61.60 USD -
Law and Outsiders: Norms, Processes and "Othering" in the Twenty-first Century
EAN 9781841139845 75.29 USD -
Shakespeare"s Imaginary Constitution: Late-Elizabethan Politics and the Theatre of Law
EAN 9781841139210 102.55 USD -
Poverty and the Law (Onati International Series in Law and Society)
EAN 9781841131900 142.00 USD -
Broadcasting Pluralism and Diversity: A Comparative Study of Policy and Regulation
EAN 9781841132143 103.97 USD -
Travels of the Criminal Question: Cultural Embeddedness and Diffusion (Onati International Series in Law and Society)
EAN 9781849460774 44.24 USD -
The Power to Protect: Trade, Health and Uncertainty in the WTO (Studies in International Trade Law)
EAN 9781841134826 107.75 USD -
Race Discrimination: Developing and Using a New Legal Framework (The Justice Series - Putting Rights into Practice)
EAN 9781841131672 45.23 USD -
The International Responsibility of the European Union: European and International Perspectives
EAN 9781849463287 101.86 USD -
The Law of Confidentiality: A Restatement
EAN 9781841138114 72.56 USD