Brand - Altamira Press
The Second Generation: Ethnic Identity among Asian Americans (Critical Perspectives on Asian Pacific Americans)
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Museum Administration: An Introduction (American Association for State and Local History)
EAN 9780759102941 46.25 USD -
In Search of Naunny"s Grave: Age, Class, Gender and Ethnicity in an American Family[ IN SEARCH OF NAUNNY"S GRAVE: AGE, CLASS, GENDER AND ETHNICITY IN AN AMERICAN FAMILY ] by Trujillo, Nick (Author ) on Feb-16-2004 Paperback
EAN 884880833022 -
Partial Connections (Asao Special Publications)
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Theorizing Religions Past: Archaeology, History, and Cognition (Cognitive Science of Religion)
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Spiritual Transformation and Healing: Anthropological, Theological, Neuroscientific, and Clinical Perspectives
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The Pursuit of Local History: Readings on Theory and Practice (American Association for State and Local History)
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Native Americans and Archaeologists: Stepping Stones to Common Ground (Society for American Archaeology)
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Memory in Black and White: Race, Commemoration, and the Post-Bellum Landscape
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African Connections: Archaeological Perspectives on Africa and the Wider World (African Archaeology Series)
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Historical Archaeology in Africa: Representation, Social Memory, and Oral Traditions (African Archaeology Series)
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Introducing Medical Anthropology: A Discipline in Action
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The Manner Born: Birth Rites in Cross-Cultural Perspective
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Marketing Heritage: Archaeology and the Consumption of the Past
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