Brand - Humanity Books
Russian Intellectual History (Paperback)
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Values: A Study Guide With Readings (Fundamental Issues in Philosophy Series)
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Heidegger and Derrida on Philosophy and Metaphor: Imperfect Thought (Philosophy and Literary Theory)
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Spinozas Philosophy
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The Basics of Western Philosophy (Basics of the Social Sciences)
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Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion
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Karl Jasper"s Philosophy: Expositions & Interpretations
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The Philosophy of John Stuart Mill
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The Trial of Susan B Anthony (Classics in Women"s Studies)
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Selected Essays on GWF Hegel
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The Future of Naturalism
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The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States and Official Report of the Niger Valley Exploring Party
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Reason and Emotion
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Native American Worldviews: An Introduction
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