Brand - Langham Monographs
Concrete Time and Concrete Eternity
EAN 9781783689781 33.51 USD -
Russian Baptists and Orthodoxy: 1960-1990
EAN 9781783689903 27.51 USD -
Insights from the Lives of Olive Doke and Paul Kasonga for Pioneer Mission and Church Planting Today
EAN 9781783689248 36.85 USD -
Development of Chinese Church Leaders
EAN 9781907713460 36.74 USD -
Communal Holiness in the Gospel of John
EAN 9781907713231 37.80 USD -
Mission Between the Times
EAN 9781907713019 20.32 USD -
The Impact of Ethnic, Political, and Religious Violence on Northern Nigeria, and a Theological Reflection on Its Healing
EAN 9781907713156 34.34 USD -
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Major Reformed Confessions and Catechisms of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
EAN 9781907713286 34.67 USD -
A Theological Examination of Symbolism in Ezekiel with Emphasis on the Shepherd Metaphor
EAN 9781783689965 34.89 USD -
Can God Save My Village?
EAN 9781783689811 38.67 USD -
Reconciliation and Peace in South Sudan
EAN 9781907713316 20.21 USD -
The African Christian and Islam
EAN 9781907713972 38.18 USD -
The Transformation of African Christianity
EAN 9781907713590 38.40 USD -
In Academia for the Church
EAN 9781783689460 19.40 USD