Brand - Africa Institute of South Africa
Millennium Development Goals. Achievements and prospects of meeting the targets in Africa
EAN 9780798302128 55.43 USD -
Land Grabs in a Green African Economy. Implications for Trade, Investment and Development Policies
EAN 9780798304771 38.78 USD -
Perspectives on South Africa-China Relations at 15 Years
EAN 9780798304733 35.79 USD -
Realising Democracy and Legitimacy in Southern Africa (African Century Publications)
EAN 9780798301718 25.34 USD -
Regional Trade Integration, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Southern Africa
EAN 9780798303040 45.65 USD -
Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. the Politics of Human Resource Development
EAN 9780798303675 38.56 USD -
Electoral Process and the Prospects for Democracy Consolidation. Contextualising the African multiparty elections of 2004
EAN 9780798302104 40.35 USD -
Creating Systems of Innovation in Africa. Country Case Studies
EAN 9780798303477 33.39 USD -
Public Opinion and Interest Group Politics. South Africa"s Missing Links?
EAN 9780798302920 46.65 USD -
Challenges and Issues Facing the Education System in South Africa
EAN 9780798304603 41.34 USD -
Innovation for Sustainability. African and European Perspectives
EAN 9780798303460 35.52 USD -
Challenges of African Transformation. Exploring Through Innovation Approach
EAN 9780798303484 43.60 USD -
The Africana World. from Fragmentation to Unity and Renaissance
EAN 9780798303118 51.83 USD -
Coming African Hour: Dialectics Of, the
EAN 9780798302302 56.95 USD