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Ecclesial Movements and Communities: Origins, Significance and Issues
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Overlook Much, Correct a Little: 99 Sayings by John XXIII (99 Words to Live By)
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Silence Transformed into Life: The Testament of His Final Year
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Mother to All, Mother Forever: Four Weeks with Mary of Nazareth (7 x 4: A Meditation a Day for Four Weeks)
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Catherine of Siena: Passion for the Truth--Compassion for Humanity
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Now: This Moment Matters at home, work, church, and school... (7 X 4)
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Elizabeth of the Trinity: Always Believe in Love (Spirituality through the Ages)
EAN 9781565483132 15.07 USD -
Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, Volume II: The Founder
EAN 9781565481138 49.01 USD -
A Fractured Relationship: Faith and the Crisis of Culture (Theology and Faith)
EAN 9781565483316 18.16 USD -
Servants of All. Hugh Moran Translator from the Italian
EAN 9780911782059 -
Essential Sermons (The Works of Saint Augustine) (Works of Saint Augustine. Part III, Homilies)
EAN 9781565482760 22.40 USD -
A Handbook of Spiritual Ecumenism (Paperback)
EAN 9781565482630 9.16 USD