Brand - Nauka-M
The history of ethnographic study of the Turkmen people in domestic science (end of XVIII-XX centuries). Essays / Istoriya etnograficheskogo izucheniya turkmenskogo naroda v otechestvennoy nauke (konets XVIII-XX veka). Ocherki1 0
EAN 9785020089068 -
Trudy MIAN. Funktsionalnye prostranstva, teoriya priblizheniy, nelineynyy analiz. Tom 255
EAN 9785020340886 -
Alexander"s AL Evolution of soil and geographical environment. 2005. / Alexandrovskiy A.L.Evolyutsiya pochv i geograficheskaya sreda. 2005g.
EAN 9785020339477 -
Malov, IF pulsars. 2004. / Malov I.F.Radiopulsary. 2004g.
EAN 9785020332812 -
Gridin VN Optoelectronic devices, systems and networks. 2007 / Gridin V.N.Optoelektronnye pribory, sistemy i seti. 2007
EAN 9785020342675 -
Rodionov, SM, Metallogeny of tin East of Russia. 2005. / Rodionov S.M.Metallogeniya olova Vostoka Rossii. 2005g.
EAN 9785020337510 -
Letters from the third coast (Russian Gulliver) / Pisma s tretego berega (Russkiy Gulliver)
EAN 9785020368644 6.51 USD -
Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich. The scientific legacy in his letters In 6 vols. T. 6. 1938-1940 / Vavilov Nikolay Ivanovich. Nauchnoe nasledie v pismakh V 6-ti tt. T. 6. 1938-1940
EAN 9785020028210 4.45 USD -
Lev Alexandrovich Zilber. 1894-1966 A Life in Science (scientific and biographical literature) / Lev Alexandrovich Zilber. 1894-1966 Zhizn v nauk (Nauchno-biograficheskaya literatura)
EAN 9785020340374 54.07 USD -
Arctic and Antarctic. Vol. 2 (36) / Arktika i Antarktika. Vyp. 2 (36)
EAN 9785020028371 4.90 USD -
Monuments of Culture. New discoveries. 2002 Yearbook Writing. Art. Archeology / Pamyatniki kultury. Novye otkrytiya. 2002 Ezhegodnik Pismennost. Iskusstvo. Arkheologiya
EAN 9785020227545 4.62 USD -
Evropeyskie sravnitelno-istoricheskie issledovaniya. Vypusk 2. Geografiya i politika
EAN 9785020340107 2.52 USD -
Central Asian ethnographic collection. Vol. V / Sredneaziatskiy etnograficheskiy sbornik. Vyp. V
EAN 9785020339903 3.93 USD -
And the wooden ships sailed the iron men / I na derevyannykh korablyakh plavali zheleznye lyudi
EAN 9785020327214 5.60 USD