Brand - Jason Aronson, Inc.
A Question of Faith: An Atheist and a Rabbi Debate the Existence of God
EAN 9781568210896 50.53 USD -
Readings on Conversion to Judaism
EAN 9781568214177 61.21 USD -
Attachment Parenting: Developing Connections and Healing Children
EAN 9780765707550 36.68 USD -
Immigration and Identity: Turmoil, Treatment, and Transformation
EAN 9780765702326 63.45 USD -
Legends of the Hasidim: An Introduction to Hasidic Culture and Oral Tradition in the New World
EAN 9781568215303 46.95 USD -
Knowing God: Jewish Journeys to the Unknowable
EAN 9781568219646 68.94 USD -
The Encyclopedia of Jewish Prayer: The Ashkenazic and Sephardic Rites
EAN 9781568218854 67.52 USD -
The Holy Fire: The Teachings of Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira, the Rebbe of the Warsaw Ghetto
EAN 9780765760265 46.57 USD -
To Walk in God"s Ways: Jewish Pastoral Perspectives on Illness and Bereavment
EAN 9780742543560 44.08 USD -
Holy Brother: Inspiring Stories and Enchanted Tales about Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
EAN 9780765762092 48.77 USD -
Interpersonal Boundaries: Variations and Violations (Margaret S. Mahler)
EAN 9780765704023 57.40 USD -
Parents as Therapeutic Partners: Are You Listening to Your Child"s Play?
EAN 9780765701060 70.03 USD -
Understanding and Treating the Aggression of Children: Fawns in Gorilla Suits
EAN 9780765705617 47.23 USD -
Brothers and Sisters: Developmental, Dynamic, and Technical Aspects of the Sibling Relationship (Margaret S. Mahler)
EAN 9780765702036 43.97 USD