Brand - King's Fund
Quality Assurance in the Nhs: Current Management Approaches
EAN 9780903060547 -
Total Purchasing and Extended Fundholding of Mental Health Services
EAN 9781857171990 -
EAN 9781857175554 -
Accountability in the NHS: Implications of the Government"s Reform Programme
EAN 9781857176179 13.69 USD -
From Hospital to Home Care: The Potential for Acute Service Provision in the Home
EAN 9781857170245 -
EAN 9781857175707 8.02 USD -
Personal Relationships and People with Mental Handicap
EAN 9780903060226 -
EAN 9781870607162 -
A Chance to Speak Out: Consulting Service Users and Carers About Community Care
EAN 9781857170016 -
Values for Change: Principal Approaches in Designing a Local Training Strategy
EAN 9780903060165